
World-Dreaming With Jay

Featuring Jay Patel

September 22, 2017
Strasbourg, Saskatchewan, Canada

The story

Three things stand out as important to Jay: travel, business and family. He believes that travel provides the greatest education because it gives you a “sense of connectedness and pride of being human.” As for the world of business, that “brings the best out of you and makes you think about the endless ideas that can make someone happy, including you.” And family is “super important because it defines who I am and what my beliefs and ideas are!”

When we met, we talked about big cities with millions of people like Chicago (where Jay was born), Toronto (where he lived for several years), elsewhere in the United States (where his family is) and in India (where more of his family is). In contrast, Jay wanted his photo in front of the Strasbourg, Saskatchewan sign — population 752.

Fun facts

Jay once went travelling to northern India and by accident made it to Base Camp at Mount Everest. By accident? Yep. “It never was ever planned — just kinda of got there!” Now that’s an awesome accident.

He’s a multi-national. He holds three passports!

He’s very afraid of caterpillars. They give him goosebumps.

His cousins call him Mahatma Gandhi.

Once when on their way to Jammu-Kashmir, India, they stopped at a shady shack to get food on the side of cliff. Five minutes later the shack fell down the cliff. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. No word on whether there was a caterpillar in the shack.

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