
Word-Slicing With Curtis

Featuring Curtis Gillespie
Writer, Editor

November 17, 2016
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The story

Curtis Gillespie truly has the word-slicing heart of an editor. Here’s his bio:

Five books. A couple hundred magazine articles. A few awards. Two kids. One wife. Great life.

Other sources provide more information:

Curtis Gillespie worked with the Canadian Mental Health Association and Catholic Social Services prior to embarking upon his writing career. Curtis is the author of five books and his magazine writing on science, politics, travel and culture has earned him seven National Magazine Awards from 20 nominations. In 2010, he co-founded the award-winning narrative journalism magazine Eighteen Bridges, which he also edits. He is on faculty at the Banff Centre and is currently at work on a book-length project about the oil and gas industry.

Fun facts

He’s missing part of his middle finger on right hand. He cut it off in a car when he was four.

He is genuinely scared by scary movies.

At heart, he’s a carpenter.

He played on the golf team at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

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