
Sunning With Sarah

Featuring Sarah Chan
Piano Teacher, Social Advocate, Mother of Two

March 17, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The story

Sarah is a teacher, musician, social advocate, and mother of Dexter and Alice. She makes her living running a full time private piano studio. She is also partner to Edmonton’s mayor, Don Iveson. Sarah created and leads United Way’s youth initiative, and sits on United Way’s campaign cabinet as co-chair.

Sarah is also a Big Sister with Big Brothers, Big Sisters; Honorary Patron for Youth Empowerment and Support Services; an advocate for Edmonton Public Library through her board membership at Anthology; Member of the Mentor team at Peter Lougheed Leadership College; And, a member of Apricity, a not-for-profit group that is working with Nina Haggerty Centre for Arts this year.

Sarah excels at telling the truth and making jokes. She also has an infectious sunny disposition.

Fun facts

Everybody calls her “Miss Sarah” because she used to work at a music school where there were lots of “Miss Chans”. The parents and students got so confused so she became Miss Sarah instead.

She is a sailor. In specific, she loves to race in the foredeck position. She is affectionately known as “Bowman Chan” when she races.

Tuesday nights? That’s when she dances hip hop.

She loves to play the ukulele. With her sister, she started a ukulele cover duo. She once played at The Needle Vinyl Tavern.

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