Smiling With Christine
Featuring Christine Magee
Mom, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Well-Rested Mattress Lady
President and Co-Founder of Sleep Country Canada
January 13, 2014
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Christine has this to say:
There are some moments that truly define me:
My birth: That goes without saying. If not, who would write this?
My parents: Who believed in me and gave me the confidence to soar.
My sister and brother: who said I was adopted just because I was the baby.
My husband: 29 years of marriage, 9 years of dating and he still can make me laugh, cry, get angry and grateful all within minutes. If that ain’t passion I don’t know what is!
My children: Whoever said children were easy was nuts but my life without them would not be worth living. I have never learned so much or loved so much until I was blessed with my two girls.
My company: Thank you Steve and Gord for inviting me on this journey and thanks to my colleagues — our team at Sleep Country Canada who have made it possible.
To the future: I can’t wait to see what is next
To the present: Aahhhhh! I am here.