Smiling With Avery
Featuring Avery Ottenbreit
Academic Researcher, Disability Champion & Community Educator
April 21, 2016
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
The story
Avery is a 23 year old proud Canadian from Regina, Saskatchewan. After graduating from high school she moved on to attend the University of Regina, collaborating as a Student Researcher at Astonished! Teaching and Learning Centre (A!TLC).
Currently she continues to do research under Dr. Randy Johnner. Her research is targeted to helping people with disabilities, a cause that is very close to her heart.
Avery explains:
My biggest aspiration in life is to educate health care professionals on working with people with chronic pain/disability, advocate for community accessibility, and inspire others to look past the disability and see the person.
Fun facts
Avery is “biggest dog lover!!!” She is known to visit the St. John’s Ambulance Therapeutic Dogs at the University of Regina. Dogs make her feel happy, calm and bring out the warm fuzzy feelings that cute puppies bring out.
She dreams of one day visiting Spain. “I really want to go there!”
Last year, when attending the Hedley concert, she got to meet the band. She says “it was the coolest experience. All of the members were so down to earth and friendly!”
She has travelled to Mexico, New York City, Orlando, Chicago, Vancouver and many cities in Ontario. She hopes to travel back to Vancouver, British Columbia soon.
She is an avid reader and has been told that she have one of the “largest libraries growing in my bedroom. I can’t help myself, I love Chapters!”