Fun FAQs about Miguelito’s Little Green Car

Does Miguelito know about the project?
Yep. He knows he’ll get it back as a gift and a book of photos and stories when he turns 18 in 2022.

#1 strategy for getting photos
Be friendly.

First Person
My dad was the first person in the project, just after he underwent treatment for cancer at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto.

Can I buy the book?
You sure can, once it’s released. The tentative publication date for the first volume is 2014. Sign up for the mailing list to be notified when that happens.

Does anyone get paid to be part of the project?
Nope. One of the themes of this project is the idea of good will between strangers.

I'd like to help sponsor the project.
Excellent. Let’s talk. Please have a look at the sponsorship opportunities page or contact me.

Most indulgent photo
Japan Airlines kindly bumped me up to first class on a flight from Vancouver to Tokyo. Not just first class, but first class on a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. And not just first class on a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, but first class exit row on a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet. My 6’3″ frame enjoyed over 15 feet of legroom. If you’re not the jealous type, I invite you to see the photo here.

Sneak television appearances
Two. Once during Global Edmonton’s news broadcast when anchor and producer Gord Steinke rolled Miguelito’s Little Green Car out from behind his laptop during the broadcast and during another television news coverage of a visit by The Jackson Brothers.

What does Miguelito mean?
Miguelito is Spanish for “little Michael”. Miguel was his great-grandfather’s name.

Shortest photo shoot
Less than 30 seconds, with Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Favorite poem
Doug Hicton, an alumnus of the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions, wrote a poem about Miguelito’s Little Green Car.

#3 strategy for getting photos
Be flexible.

When did this start?
The first photo was taken August 23, 2007 in Paris, France.

I have an idea for the project. Want to hear it?
Absolutely! Please contact me.

How often does the car get washed?
With apologies to germophobes and hypochondriacs, not very often. But it does occasionally get dunked by participants into a glass of wine.

Who qualifies to be in the project?
If you’re alive, you qualify. Click here to find out how.

Notable almost could-haves
With the help of Global Edmonton news anchor and producer Gord Steinke we almost succeeded in getting a photo with Oprah. A few years earlier Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, posted on my Facebook wall about meeting up for a photo before vanishing.

Miguelito's Age in 2014

#2 strategy for getting photos
Be ready.

Longest photo shoot
I don’t remember, but many people have been gracious enough to give a generous amount of time for their photos, including Sarah Uytterhagen (it took a lot of takes to get the car flying through the air pointing right at her) and Anne McLellan, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (we went as far as to move the photo of her dog into a different frame so it would fit in the bookshelf).

Favorite Illustration Inscription
Graphic designer Heather Nissan signed her illustration with “may the forces of creativity drive you always!”

Most photographed person
Most people only have a single photo in the project, but Miguelito has several.

How can I get involved?
Have a look at this page or contact me.

What kind of car is it?
It’s a 1972 Buick Riviera. It was manufactured in 2005 by Johnny Lightning and was only sold in a set of five collectible cars called Big Boats. The other cars in the set were a white 1959 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, a red and wood 1960 Ford Country Squire, an orange and yellow 1974 Royal Monaco Taxi, and a blue 1961 Lincoln Continental Convertible. I bought the set at a Walmart in Edmonton, Canada as a Christmas present for Miguelito.

#4 strategy for getting photos
Be thankful.

What happens if you lose the car?
I have thirteen backups, none of which will be used unless something happens to the current car.

Non-humans in the project
There are dogs, cats, birds, a wallaby and an elephant. We are connected to animals, too.

Fastest photo on land
This photo was taken at a little under 110 km/hour, making it the fastest photo on land.

Generals in the project
Two so far. Canadian Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire and United States Marine Corps four-star General James Cartwright.

Most photographed place
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where I am based.

How often does someone say no?
Once in a while, although most people are very accommodating. The first person who declined was a police officer in Toronto, citing dubitable reasons. One high-profile decline was Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge. He very quickly declined to hold the car, but you can see the moments after that interaction here. However, seconds later the Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton) agreed to hold the car.

Will there ever be a Miguelito's Little Green Car movie?
I’m up for it! Filmmakers. producers. agents and others with fist-fulls of money, please contact me.

Does the car have a name?
When I met with CBC broadcaster, writer, musician and producer Jian Ghomeshi for his photo with the car, he asked if it had a name. Until then it did not, so I offered to let him name it. He named it Markus “with a K”.