Being The Real Juan Demarco With Juan
Featuring Juan Demarco
Singer, Songwriter
January 16, 2015
New York City, New York, United States
Juan was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Even as a child he always enjoyed playing music, starting with a little keyboard. As a teenager he played bass guitar in all kind of bands (hardcore, electronic pop, metal, progressive, etc.). Eventually he started singing and found his own voice. A few years ago he began performing as a solo artist and since then has been playing in bars and other venues in Buenos Aires and through Argentina. He recently recorded a new album and has been touring the United States.
You can follow Juan on Facebook, Bandcamp and Tumblr.
Juan Demarco is his real name. There’s a film with Johnny Deep called Don Juan Demarco, but as Juan likes to say, “Johnny Depp is Johnny Deep, but **I’m** Juan Demarco!”
The first CD Juan bought (or rather, begged his parents to buy) was the Jurassic Park Original Soundtrack by John Williams. He listened to that album every day through his childhood.
He couchsurfs while he travels, staying all with hosts in exchange for helping with the house and playing music for them. That’s payback, since he’s also hosted people from around the world in his home.
Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock is his favorite film.
The most beautiful night sky he even witnessed was in a mountain refuge in El Bolsón, Río Negro in Patagonia, Argentina.
He plays a mean Bob Dylan, especially in the New York City subway system. It’s not a stretch to call him the Latino Bob Dylan.
Listen to one of his tracks, below.